Threespine ID 未来可期
Threespine ID – 斜木榫 – 是一种全新推出的解决方案,每次都能以安全牢固的方式快速、轻松地组装家具。
倾斜的木榫与设计独特的锁定装置Pinlock,可有效预防面板分离,并确保稳固持久的安装效果。锁定装置的安装集成在生产过程中,不论是在工厂组装还是 RTA,都确保牢固可靠的效果。

Threespine ID
Threespine ID 的主要特点是倾斜的木榫与灵活的锁扣系统相结合。将带木榫的面板放在另一块面板的孔上,直接向下按压,锁定榫将被下压,当面板被按到最终位置时,锁定榫将卡入接收孔中,实现稳固连接。

Threespine Click Furniture Technology by Välinge innovation
At Välinge, the passion for innovation and technology is inherent. We are known globally for our revolutionary inventions and pioneering mindset and for continuously driving the flooring and furniture industry forward. Three decades ago, we invented the first ever mechanical floor locking system and permanently changed how people, all over the world, install flooring. With our ground-breaking Threespine technology, we are transforming how furniture assembly is done.
This solution makes assembling furniture easy, fast and fail-safe and it’s designed to meet future changes in design, consumer behaviour and environmental standards.